
OK, so now we have all this state of the art A/V equipment, "Now What?"

At Cary Audio/Visual we feel that one of the most overlooked elements during or after any audio/visual equipment installation or upgrade, is proper technical training & education. Many of our customers have volunteers as technical operators, a lot of whom have very little or no experience with the position or equipment they are expected to operate. This is a very daunting experience for sure. We believe in extensive training and education, not just on a specific piece of gear, we try to teach basic to advanced concepts of the actual responsibility being performed. Audio, video, lighting etc... all elements of live production are addressed.

In addition to the training and education that is specific to an installation project, Cary Audio/Visual also offer's classes and training seminars throughout the year. If this is something that your organization is interested in hosting/or sponsoring, please get in touch with us here,

Cary Audio/Visual • 900 Sixth Ave. • Croydon, PA 19021 • 215-645-4420